•  What is a colonoscopy?

    A colonoscopy is a gastrointestinal exam to directly image and examine the entire colon to effectively diagnose, evaluate, and treat various gastrointestinal disorders (colon polyps, colon cancer, diverticulosis, inflammatory bowel disease, bleeding, change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, obstruction, and abnormal imaging studies).

    • What is a colonoscope?

    A colonoscope is a flexible and steerable instrument engineered to evaluate the entire colon (large intestine) to allow biopsies of suspicious areas and removals of polyp.

    • Why is colonoscopy important?

    A colonoscopy is the most effective method to identify and remove precancerous polyps. Early detection of gastrointestinal abnormalities denotes early suggestion and treatment as simple dietary changes and minimally invasive procedures.

    Study suggested that the removal of cancer-causing polyps during a colonoscopy reduces the chance of death from colorectal cancer by 53 percent.

    • Why is colonoscopy preparation important?
    Adequate preparation allows careful examination of the colon that leads to complete and successful colonoscopy with on-time diagnosis, treatment, and reductions in procedural complications (perforation, bleeding, and infection) and invasive repetitions.
    • When should I have screening colonoscopy?

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF ) recommends that adults age 45 to 75 be screened for colorectal cancer even earlier if there is a family history of the disease.

    Click here to download or read the full colorectal cancer screening recommendations.

    • How do I schedule my colonoscopy?

    Walk-in:                                                                                        Call:

    QHC, Main Building-1st floor, 1804 (Next to the Cafe)      7188832010/6468161448
    82-68 164th Street
    Queens, New York 11432

    Service available: Mon-Fri 07:00 am – 17:00 pm

    • What is the “prep” for colonoscopy like? How many different preps are out there?

    Your provider will prescribe the most appropriate preparation accounting for your age, personal preferences, kidney function, and physical stamina.
    Preparation methods range from liquids with or without enemas to pills to rid of the feces.
    The most popular preparations at QHC are polyethylene glycol (PEG)- Golytely and Miralax solutions to cause diarrhea that effectively rids the colonic contents.

    • Are there any videos on colonoscopy preparations?

    Watch and learn: Golytely, Miralax

    • Is colonoscopy painful ? Will I be sedated?

    No, Colonoscopy is usually not painful because almost all colonoscopies use intravenous sedation (still breathing on your own) or “monitored anesthesia care” (total sleep) at QHC to make you comfortable for the procedure! Your doctor will discuss with you the best form of sedation to suit your needs.

    • What are the risks of colonoscopy?

    In general, colonoscopy is a safe procedure; however, perforation (tear through the wall of the bowel), bleeding (at the site of a biopsy or polyp removal), and infections are the major complications associated with the procedure. Cardiovascular and respiratory adverse events are the sedation risks.

    Further details will be explained by your Doctors when you sign for your procedural and anesthesia consents. Review of Risks and Benefits

    • How long does the colonoscopy take? How long will I to recover from it?

    The colonoscopy usually takes 15 to 60 minutes, but you should plan a 4-hour visit at QHC account for check-in, admission, procedure, and recovery.

    • What should I do with my current medications?

    In general, most medications do not interfere with colonoscopy; however, if you are on oral diabetic medications, insulins, anti-coagulants, and blood-thinning medicines, dosages are subject to adjustment for the preparation period and the day of the exam.

    Your nurse will call you 3-days before the procedure to reinforce the instructions.

    • How many days do I need to take off from work?

    You will need a day off for your colonoscopy. We also recommend taking the day before the procedure off because colonoscopy preparation denotes fasting and frequent toileting.